Mastering Civil Litigation: inherent power of Civil Court : 151 CPC with Judgment
Section 151 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) provides inherent powers to the court to make orders necessary to meet the ends of justice or to prevent abuse of the court's process. This provision recognizes the authority of the court to act beyond the rules of the CPC if required for fair and efficient resolution of cases. Key Concepts of Section 151 CPC: Inherent Powers of the Court : Section 151 allows courts to use their inherent power when specific provisions in the CPC do not cover a situation, enabling them to ensure justice. The exercise of this power is intended for the ends of justice and to prevent the abuse of process. Courts must ensure that their procedures do not lead to injustice. Preventing Abuse of Process : Section 151 can be used to prevent misuse or abuse of the judicial process by either the parties involved or even through procedural errors by the court itself. It is based on the principle “actus curiae neminem gravabit” (an act of the court shall preju...